BestAgent Club Membership provisional draft Requirements, Terms and Conditions

  1. BestAgent Club Membership:
    1. Anyone using BestAgent BackOffice CRM is automatically granted membership of the BestAgent Club, included in their CRM subscription price at no extra cost, subject to adherence to membership rules.
    2. BackOffice CRM customers who choose not to observe club rules will lose member privileges.
    3. Membership dues must be paid by direct debit or payment card stored in your BackOffice account.
  2. BestAgent Club Rules:
    1. You must conduct your estate or lettings agency business with integrity and due transparency
    2. You (and your staff and contractors) must treat all clients and applicants with respect and compassion at all times
    3. You must ensure all your employees, sub-contractors, associates and partners are aware of BestAgent Club rules and know that if they break them, they risk you losing your membership.
    4. You must agree to not knowingly exaggerate the value of a prospective client’s property in order to win their business.
    5. You must agree to treat every client’s interests as of equal value as your own. Neither higher, nor lower.
  3. Club Member Eligibility: As a member organisation, BestAgent reserves the right to decline or refuse membership of the BestAgent club, without explanation. To be eligible to be a BestAgent Club member, you must:
    1. Be an active estate and/or lettings agent in the UK, with appropriate redress scheme membership (TPO or PRS for Sales, Client Money Protected for Lettings)
    2. You must be registered with HMRC for AML purposes.
    3. If starting a new agency, you must arrange AML registration and redress scheme membership as soon as practical, and in any event before publishing your first sales or lettings listing on any public property marketing site.
    4. Agree to BestAgent Club terms on Sole Agency Contract limits (length and termination clause) once they are determined and in force. (To be discussed with members to find fair terms that aren’t disadvantageous to movers and can’t be used to trap sellers in overvalued homes)
    5. Affirm your commitment to eliminating any unethical practice in the conduct of your business.
    6. Have an active payment method set up in your BackOffice account for the collection of your monthly subscription
  4. Founder-Member-only Benefits include, but are not limited to:
    1. Founder Member Badge/Icon on property listings.
    2. Founder Member Badge window sticker
    3. Founder Member Badge for email signature and website
  5. Membership Termination: You may terminate your membership at any time, but you will immediately and irrevocably lose all club benefits immediately on termination. Including:
    1. Any Bonus Lead Credit in your account will automatically be cancelled, and your Bonus Credit balance will be zero.
    2. Any referral income you qualify for will be forfeit.
    3. Your early access privilege to the BestAgent Public House Price index will be revoked.
    4. Any other member benefits that are exclusive to club members will be discontinued.
    5. Any tickets to live events that were free for members will no longer be valid, and, if appropriate, you will have to pay non-member ticket price to attend if you still wish to do so.
    6. You will no longer have access to any member-only events, privileges or information.
    7. Founder Members who qualified for the BestAgent ‘profit share scheme’ will automatically lose participation privileges and payouts.
    8. BestAgent reserves the right, without notice, to terminate or suspend any member’s privileges at its sole discretion if the member concerned has acted in any way as to bring the reputation of BestAgent, the Club or it’s members into disrepute.
    9. If you are expelled by a redress scheme, your membership will be automatically and immediately terminated with all privileges lost.
  6. Profit Share Participation: In the event that the requirements are met for profit-share participation to be triggered for qualifying early signup members, you must remain a member of the club for the duration of the profit-share scheme to continue to qualify for profit-share payouts.